Sylane Camogie Club - Injury Claim Procedure

Note – at the time of drafting, 25th February, 2024 the enclosed information was current.

Please be aware, that in the event of an injury where an Injured Party decides to submit a claim for medical expenses, several important steps need to be followed to avoid the claim assessment being delayed:-

1. Notification to the insurance company must be submitted to the Insurance Provider within 30days of the injury.

Please note the following in relation to notification steps required:

a. Forms are available from Sylane Camogie Secretary via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

It is the responsibility of the injured Party/Guardian to request this form as soon as possible after the injury, if an insurance claim is being considered.

b. As the completed form must be submitted within 30days of the injury, the completed form must be submitted to the Sylane Camogie Secretary (at the above email address) a minimum of 10days prior to the 30days deadline i.e. no later than 20days after the injury.

This is required as the completed form must first go through the following steps before it can be submitted to the Insurance Provider:

     i. Checked by Sylane Camogie Secretary for completeness.

     ii. Signed by the Sylane Camogie Secretary.

    iii. Referees report requested from the game in question (if injury occurred at a game).

    iv. Issued to the Galway Camogie County Board Secretary (by Sylane Camogie Secretary) for checking for completeness and for signing.

    v. Returned to the Sylane Camogie Secretary for issuing back to the Injured Party/Guardian.

    vi. The Injured Party/Guardian must issue the form to the Insurance Provider and liaise with the Insurance Provider from this point on

c. In addition to the above, adequate time should be allowed by the Injured Party/Guardian to allow for correction of errors, omissions, etc.


2. The following clause from Sylane Camogie’s Current Insurance Provide is applicable to all injury insurance claims:

The Camogie Personal Accident Insurance Scheme only provides cover for non-recoverable costs up to the limit specified under the scheme. If you have medical insurance, a claim must be made with your Medical Provider. Therefore you must supply a statement of account or letter confirming you are not covered for your medical costs from your medical provider. Failure to supply same will delay the assessment of your claim.

(the above is subject to change – the Injured Party/Guardian should satisfy themselves of the exact requirements by reviewing the Claim Form details and Insurance Provider’s Claim policy)


3. The obligations relating to injury cover within Camogie are detailed in the Official Guide Part 1.

The rules around registration of members with the Camogie Association and insurance are key.

Each Unit is obliged to comply with these rules and therefore all players must be registered (& insured) before they participate in training or games.


4. Below is a typical policy from Insurance Providers. Please note, that this policy may be updated from time to time by Sylane Camogie’s Insurance Provider at the time, and therefore, it is the responsibility of the Injured Party/Guarding to check the exact requirements or to request the current policy by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


5. Any queries, please forward to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sylane Camogie Club – Injury Claim Procedure Note – at the time of drafting, 25th February, 2024 the enclosed information was current.